DANCE download

DANCE is very comprehensive in explaining different dancing patterns
Little-known anti-malware programs display warnings, which are often identified as false positive. Nevertheless, it is recommended to recheck the file with your antivirus software after downloading.
Download the latest version from the developer's website
Scanned for viruses on Jan 20, 2025. 2 of 76 antivirus programs detected threats, see the report.
Version: 5.52 (x86)
Date update: Oct 22, 2020
File name: dnc_5_5mm.exe
Size: 60.4 MB

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Purchase at for

Latest versions of DANCE

5.52 (latest)
Oct 22, 2020

Alternative software

Pattern Maker for cross stitch
Pattern Maker for cross stitch

It is a program that allows you to create and edit cross-stitch patterns.

Filter Forge Freepack 6 - Patterns
Filter Forge Freepack 6

A set of nine filters that can generate patterns and backgrounds.

Dance Dance Snake
Dance Dance Snake

3D arcade game with multiple levels.

Pattern Master: Boutique
Pattern Master: Boutique

Pattern Master Boutique drafts patterns for an adult woman's wardrobe.

DANCE - the dance patterns database
DANCE - the dance patterns

Program for working with dance moves